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- The Regulatory Review
- Regulation Room (Cornell University)
- Cornell e-Rulemaking Initiative
- eRulemaking at Carnegie Mellon
- Information Renaissance, Public Participation in Rulemaking
- ABA Administrative Procedure Database, “Notable Uses of the Internet in Federal Agency Decisionmaking”
- Cary Coglianese, Harvard University, “Policy and Management Issues Associated with E-Rulemaking” (January 8, 2004)
- Jamie Callan, Eduard Hovy, Stuart Shulman, & Stephen Zavestoski, “Information Access and Presentation to Support the Writing of Regulations” (2003)
- Stuart Shulman, eRulemaking, Digital Government Research, and the State of the Discipline (2003)
- Jamie Callan, Carnegie-Mellon University, E-Rulemaking Website
- Robert Carlitz & Rosemary Gunn, Information Renaissance, On-Line Rulemaking: A Step Toward E-Governance (2003)
- Carnegie Mellon University, Center for the Study and Improvement of Regulation, Fast Environmental Regulatory Evaluation Tool (FERET)
- Carnegie Mellon University, E-Rulemaking Project
- Kincho Law, Stanford University, Regnet Project Website
- OMB Watch, Current E-Rulemaking Systems (June 19, 2002) (nongovernmental organization)
- Stuart Shulman, University of Pittsburgh, eRulemaking Website
- Michael White, Director of Legal Affairs and Policy, Office of the Federal Register, NARA, New Federal Register Resources (2003)
- Thom Wysong, Techno Democracy Project, eRulemaking Technology: Issues to Consider (March 4, 2003)