Cary Coglianese
Principal Investigator; Edward B. Shils Professor of Law and Political Science; Director, Penn Program on Regulation
Coglianese is an internationally recognized scholar of regulation and administrative law, whose work has emphasized the empirical evaluation of regulatory strategies and the role of public participation, negotiation, and analysis in regulatory policy making. His recent publications include Does Regulation Kill Jobs? (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013) and Regulatory Breakdown: The Crisis of Confidence in U.S. Regulation (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012). Prior to joining Penn Law, Coglianese spent a dozen years on the faculty at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. He has also taught as a visiting professor at Stanford Law School and Vanderbilt University. He founded the Law & Society Association’s international collaborative research network on regulatory governance and chaired a task force on transparency and public participation in the regulatory process that offered a blueprint to the Obama Administration on open government.He has served as a consultant to the Administrative Conference of the United States, Environment Canada, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He helped found and served as editor of the international, peer-reviewed journal Regulation & Governance, and he created The Regulatory Review, a daily online source of regulatory news, analysis, and opinion sponsored by the Penn Program on Regulation.

Executive Director, Penn Program on Regulation
Finkel is the executive director of the Penn Program on Regulation, and a senior fellow at Penn Law. He is one of the nation’s leading experts in the evolving field of risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis, with more than 25 years of experience improving methods of analysis and making risk-based decisions to protect workers and the general public from environmental hazards. He is also a Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health at the Rutgers School of Public Health. Previously, he was Director of Health Standards Programs at the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as well as OSHA’s Regional Administrator for the Rocky Mountain states. He is the recipient of the David P. Rall Award for Advocacy in Public Health from the American Public Health Association for “a career in advancing science in the service of public health protection.” He is the co-editor of three books, including Worst Things First? The Debate over Risk-Based National Environmental Priorities (Johns Hopkins Press, 1994).

Shari Shapiro
Project Manager and Research Affiliate, Penn Program on Regulation
Shapiro is the President of Calliope Communications, a policy and communications consultancy. She represents international companies, regulatory agencies, non-profits and trade associations in their policy and government affairs efforts, focusing on energy and environmental policy. She also manages complex policy-related initiatives, including the Pennsylvania Energy Code Collaborative. She is an adjunct professor in the Drexel University Public Policy Master’s Degree program, and has led or contributed to many grant-funded research projects, including leading a study on energy efficiency policy for the U.S. Department of Energy and the Energy Efficient Buildings Hub. Prior to founding Calliope, Shapiro was a partner in Cozen O’Connor’s Energy, Environmental and Utilities practice and a government relations professional with Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies.

Faculty Director, Penn Project on Civic Engagement, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education
As founder and director of the Penn Project for Civic Engagement (PPCE), Sokoloff has designed and implemented community engagement projects ranging locally and nationally. His Citizen Voices, a project of the Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial Board, won the National Batten Award for Civic Journalism. His applied research focuses on student civic engagement and community development, particularly the (re)building of a public for public education through the use of deliberative public forums. Current work includes The Big Canvas and The City Budget: Tight Times, Tough Choices projects, both in partnership with WHYY. The latter engaged more than 1,700 taxpayers in deliberative budget workshops; Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter has credited those deliberations with informing his budget development. Sokoloff continues to develop similar civic engagement projects to engage taxpayers in deliberative processes to inform policy development. Other projects focus on ways for communities to address the dropout rate in Philadelphia, challenges of integrating new immigrants into commercial corridors, and mental health policy. In addition, Sokoloff has worked with more than 80 educational organizations on a range of organizational development and improvement projects, strategic planning, and organizational redesign. As the director of the Center for School Study Councils, Dr. is responsible for working with school superintendents, school boards, and district staff to help them keep pace with state-of-the-art educational and management theory, research, and practice. His initiatives with school districts and community organizations include a variety of projects to create opportunities to engage students in school and community problem-solving, as well as to build stronger, more productive relationships between schools and their communities.