Regulatory Analysis and Decision-Making

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Regulatory Analysis & Decision-Making
2021 Executive Education Certificate Program
Live Virtual Program
May 12-14, and 19-21, 2021 | 3:00pm-5:30pm (EST)
Private Sector Professionals: $2,850 | Government Agencies & Non-Profit Entities: $2,350

This six-day live, virtual program builds the skills professionals need to analyze and make regulatory decisions, as well as to operate effectively within an ever-changing environment. Participants will hone the skills needed for understanding and assessing regulations—and for making smarter management and compliance-related decisions.

The program offers valuable skills for anyone with responsibility for establishing, implementing, or enforcing regulatory decisions, ensuring organizational compliance with regulations, or providing effective input into the development, review, or modification of regulations. It provides essential training for senior and starting managers, policy analysts, attorneys, enforcement or compliance personnel, and other public- and private-sector professionals whose work relates to or is affected by regulation.

Professionals who complete the course will gain the tools needed to better understand and analyze regulations. With those advantages, professionals can go on to make smarter regulatory management or compliance decisions.

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