About the Penn Program on Regulation

Regulation is essential to advancing vital social goals, such as health, safety, economic stability, and prosperity. Since its founding in 2006, the Penn Program on Regulation has promoted regulatory excellence by shedding light on how regulation and regulatory institutions work in practice and whether they can be managed better to achieve their intended goals.

PPR brings together more than 60 affiliated faculty and researchers from across the University of Pennsylvania. Under the leadership of its Director, Cary Coglianese, the Edward B. Shils Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science, PPR pursues this overarching mission through three interconnected lines of work: teaching, research, and outreach.

Teaching in a Lecture Room


Across the University of Pennsylvania, affiliated faculty teach courses with both general and specific application to regulation. PPR supports the education of Penn Law students through courses in Regulatory Law and Policy and Advanced Regulatory Law and Policy, as well as by sponsoring the student-edited publication, The Regulatory Review.

PPR also organizes executive education programs for experienced government officials, senior managers, and other professionals seeking interactive learning with PPR-affiliated faculty.


PPR derives its strength from an interdisciplinary group of highly accomplished scholars, drawn from across eight schools at the University of Pennsylvania. Their research examines how regulatory policies are designed, implemented, enforced, and evaluated, and offers recommendations for improving these policies and their deployment.

Search PPR’s research database to start exploring publications by all our affiliated scholars.

Achieving Regulatory Excellence
The United States Capitol Building


PPR engages actively with the larger community of regulatory professionals, both domestically and internationally. We bring regulatory practitioners and policymakers to campus for public events, workshops, and seminars with students and faculty. Our affiliates also testify regularly at government hearings and serve as experts on committees, working groups, and other advisory counsels that inform real-world policy decision-making.

Recordings from our public events are available on PPR’s YouTube Channel.

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