Celebrating 15 Years of The Regulatory Review

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Looking back at the achievements of The Regulatory Review on the 15th anniversary of its launch.

At the Penn Program on Regulation, we mark the attainment of a fifteen-year milestone!

On December 24, 2009, we launched a new publication, originally called RegBlog, now known as The Regulatory Review. In addition to announcing the new publication, that first day saw PPR publish its first short blurb—a news item on the Obama Administration’s issuance of an Open Government Directive. A week later, we published a short note on the release of a new PPR book on the regulatory governance of the safety of imported goods.

So much has happened over these last 15 years as that initial RegBlog has grown into a world-renowned publication, The Regulatory Review, which is publishing new content 6 days each week—and now, twice monthly, this is 7 days per week.

We can look back today on all that the hundreds of law students involved in RegBlog and The Regulatory Review have accomplished: publication of more than 4,500 essays! These have included outside contributions from judges, regulators, members of Congress, and virtually every leading scholar of regulation and regulatory law, policy, and politics from around the world.

Over the years, The Review has been delighted to feature essays by dozens of Penn faculty and researchers from many different schools and departments across the University, including current PPR affiliates Anita Allen, Tom Baker, Jonathan Baron, Cary Coglianese, Peter Conti-Brown, Cynthia Dahl, Rangita de Silva de Alwis, Brian Feinstein, Jill Fisch, Lee Fleisher, Jasmine Harris, Paul Heaton, Allison Hoffman, Herbert Hovenkamp, Mark Alan Hughes, Gus Hurwitz, Michael Knoll, Sophia Lee, Sarah Light, Neysun Mahboubi, Eric Orts, Elizabeth Pollman, Wendell Pritchett, Dorothy Roberts, Jennifer Rothman, Ted Ruger, Amanda Shanor, Kate Shaw, David Skeel, Karen Tani, Shelley Welton, Kevin Werbach, Matthew Wiener, Tobias Barrington Wolff, Christopher Yoo, and David Zaring.

This collection has also included student editors’ own essays on regulatory news and new regulatory research. It has included regular features, such as our Friday “Week in Review,” Saturday “Seminar,” and our latest Sunday “Spotlight” feature. We’re also expanding The Regulatory Review In Depth for longer-form essays. And the editorial team produces a weekly newsletter, releases daily content alerts, and manages a multi-platform social media presence that connects with our readership from more than 185 countries.

PPR Director Cary Coglianese has served as faculty advisor to The Regulatory Review since its founding. For more background on the history of The Review, see the essay and series published at our 10th anniversary:

We will have more celebration in store as we proceed through our 15th anniversary year. For now, it is fitting that at this very mark and passage of our 15th anniversary, The Review has featured today (Dec. 25) and yesterday (Dec. 24) two news pieces on PPR events written by two of our outstanding undergraduate research assistants and published by our excellent law student team: one essay on our workshop series on artificial intelligence and climate change, the other on our webinar from earlier this year on the U.S. Supreme Court’s surprising decision to abandon Chevron deference:

These latest essays are emblematic of The Regulatory Review and the Penn Program on Regulation. Both PPR and The Review are covering the gamut of key substantive and process-based regulatory issues. We’re also all about bringing together diverse scholars, practitioners, and students. Regulation matters, and so too it matters that we continue to focus on the full range of key regulatory issues affecting businesses and individuals around the world.

We hope you’ll join us in celebrating our 15th anniversary by continuing to read and submit your work to The Review!

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