Regulatory Law and Policy & Advanced Regulatory Law and Policy

The Regulatory Law and Policy (RLP) and Advanced Regulatory Law and Policy (ARLP) seminar courses, taught by PPR Director Cary Coglianese, together offer a unique experiential opportunity for studying regulatory policymaking across a variety of issue areas.

The courses center on the production of The Regulatory Review, the premier daily online source for regulatory news, analysis, and opinion sponsored by PPR and produced by students at Penn Law, featuring contributions by Penn faculty and other regulatory experts from across the U.S. and around the world. Participants in Regulatory Law and Policy are primarily responsible for researching and composing essays that meet the rigorous standards for potential publication in The Regulatory Review. The students enrolled in Advanced Regulatory Law and Policy comprise the Editorial Board charged not only with creating original content for The Regulatory Review, but with handling all aspects of running the publication enterprise.

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Guest speakers play an important role in the experiential learning provided in these sources. Students in both courses meet in tandem and benefit from engaging with current and former heads of government agencies, as well as prominent legal scholars and practitioners, corporate executives, and political journalists. Recent speakers have included Margaret Hamburg, former Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; Michael Fitzpatrick, Head of Global Regulatory Affairs at Google; Dame Deirdre Hutton, former Chair of the Civil Aviation Authority for the United Kingdom; and Catherine Rampell, opinion columnist at The Washington Post.

Enrollment in the RLP and ARLP courses requires permission from the instructor; application instructions are emailed to all Penn Law students by the Law School Registrar during the fall and spring course registration periods.

Feel free to email us at the Penn Program on Regulation with questions about these courses or to learn more about The Regulatory Review.

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