
PPR Affiliate will serve on the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.

PPR's certificate program, Regulatory Analysis and Decision-Making, engages professionals from around the world.
More Announcements
The Penn Program on Regulation’s flagship publication recaps its top essays, series, and features from the past year.
Looking back at the achievements of The Regulatory Review on the 15th anniversary of its launch.
PPR's Director, Prof. Cary Coglianese, and Prof. Richard Berk, a PPR faculty affiliate, have been appointed by the Pennsylvania Joint State Government Commission to the state's Advisory Committee on Artificial Intelligence.
More than 250 regulatory scholars and practitioners from around the world came together at Penn Carey Law to launch a new international association dedicated to the study of regulation and governance.
Ranchordás, a Full Professor of Administrative Law at Tilburg Law School, is a leading scholar of regulation in the digital age.
A leadership dialogue program organized by PPR for the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency explored cutting-edge financial regulatory issues as well as issues integral to the effective management of regulatory agencies.
PPR Director Cary Coglianese issues a statement on the recent release of a White House memo on public participation and community engagement in the rulemaking process.
At Bloomberg News, Prof. Cary Coglianese praises newly released guidance by the White House aimed at expanding public participation in rulemaking.
A NASEM committee chaired by PPR Director Cary Coglianese has released a report offering recommendations to the Coast Guard and Congress for meeting emerging challenges facing the maritime sector.
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Last modified:
September 25, 2022